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Layer: Streams 18056 (ID: 92)

Parent Layer: Labeling

Name: Streams 18056

Display Field: NAME

Type: Feature Layer

Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolyline

Description: This dataset is a combination of 2 data projects: 1- Data were updated within NYC watershed portions using 1m resolution LiDAR and 1ft orthoimagery collected in 2009 as part of the NYS Digital Ortho Program under contract with NYCDEP under CAT-371.For NYC reservoir areas only: NYCDEP BWS GIS Staff (T. Spies) edited all artificial path and stream transitions to snap exactly to polygon edges representing NYC reservoirs, where those areas were updated by NYCDEP for correct inundation area based on spillway elevation.QA edits to NHD hydrography, including this feature class, were also made where needed based on field verification and correction of the NYCbasin1m boundary.As an additional departure from standard NHD to meet DEP’s needs, DEP GIS staff attributed all flowlines by their respective NYC reservoir basin and NYC water supply “region” as defined in the feature class “NYCbasin1m”. This was done using the “select by location” tool rather than “identity” tool, so as not to split any flowlines across boundaries. Any flowlines crossing basin boundaries in error were corrected by splitting the lines and snapping their endpoints to the appropriate spillway or basin edge instead. After these edits were made, a new geometric network was built to test and ensure all flowlines in the entire dataset were correctly connected so that they can be used for routing.2- Data was updated within portions of Ulster County outside the NYC watershed using NYS 1ft orthoimagery collected in 2013 and multiple Elevation datasets (2013 NYS DEC 1m Lidar Hudson River, 2005 NYS DEC 3m Lidar Ulster Stream Corridors, 1992 USGS 10m Digital Elevation Model (DEM)).Primary quality control was performed visually using enhanced symbology and supporting reference data. A detailed QC checklist is provided in the QC report. Specific emphasis was placed on the areas bordering the NYC Watershed and the areas encompassed by the Town of Woodstock’s local hydrography data. To the extent connections occurred, the data captured on this project was “snapped” to the corresponding locations in the NYC Watershed so that the data could be seamlessly integrated. The hydrography data from the Town of Woodstock, however, was inconsistent when applied to the data capture protocol. Many locally derived features did not appear to be supported by the source data (i.e., they did not exist) and were not included. All visual inspections were made at 1:1000 scale or better. During data capture, the Data Capture Analyst used a separate point feature class named “Flags” to identify locations where there may have been some interpretation or confusion. Later, the QC Analyst also used additional bookmarks in ArcGIS to track locations where additional investigation or interpretation was required. Finally, after an initial pass through the data, the QC Analyst evaluated and resolved all such flags and bookmarks, collaborating with the Data Capture Analyst as necessary to discuss findings and resolve questions.As data was completed, naming convention and separate storage locations were used for data management to ensure that source and modified datasets were clearly separated. In addition, a detailed QC tracking spreadsheet was used to track and manage effort on completing QC and resolving any issues.Finally, after the initial data delivery, several rounds of QC review were performed by Ulster County to include: additional visual inspection of flow line connectivity, geometric network tracking, and utility network analysisMost of the issues that were not readily apparent in the manual QC process were attributed to minor errors in data capture and discovered here. Examples include digitizing lines in the wrong direction (not downstream), existence of multi-part features, and topology errors. In all cases, issues were evaluated and resolved

Service Item Id: fef703ad281040ef8c9acf35b5eae79d

Copyright Text: For NYCDEP watershed - Original data developed under NYCDEP contract CAT-393 by IAGT/RACNE. QA edits and reservoir inundation polygons developed in-house by NYCDEP BWS GIS. This data packaging is owned by the New York City Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Water Supply, 2013. For portions of Ulster County outside the NYC watershed - Original data developed under Ulster County contract C13-00216. This data packaging is owned by the Ulster County, 2013.

Default Visibility: true

MaxRecordCount: 2000

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF

Min Scale: 18057

Max Scale: 9029

Supports Advanced Queries: true

Supports Statistics: true

Has Labels: true

Can Modify Layer: true

Can Scale Symbols: false

Use Standardized Queries: true

Supports Datum Transformation: true

Drawing Info: Advanced Query Capabilities:
HasZ: true

HasM: true

Has Attachments: false

HTML Popup Type: esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText

Type ID Field: null

Supported Operations:   Query   Query Attachments   Query Analytic   Generate Renderer   Return Updates

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