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West-of-Hudson reservoir drainage basin boundaries delineated from 2009 LiDAR-derived 1-meter Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The 1m DEM was derived from airborne LiDAR data collected in 2009 as part of the NYS Digital Ortho Program under contract with NYCDEP under CAT-371. This feature class also contains an area outside the watersheds (OOW = Out-of-Watershed) that can be used as a mask (negative area), for masking out features lying outside the watershed boundary for cartographic purposes. This feature class can also be used to mask out individual basins or groups of basins by setting the layer's Definition Query to either include or exclude certain reservoir basins. In addition to a reservoir basin name field, there is a \"region\" field designating basins with the EOH vs WOH watershed, or \"Out-of-Watershed\" (OOW), to provide additional database query flexibility.As part of the NYC Watershed 2009 LiDAR National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) Update Project: Reservoir and Watershed Boundary Dataset 8-digit Hydrologic Unit (8-d HU) boundaries were created by IAGT/RACNE under CAT-393 for each of the West of Hudson (WOH) Reservoirs in the Catskills Mountains. In the EOH Taconic Mountains, there is a single 8-digit HUC boundary for all of the 17 reservoirs draining into the Lower Hudson sub-watershed through the New Croton Reservoir spillway, plus another for the Kensico Reservoir. Because NYCDEP also regulates according to EOH individual reservoir basins, which are at the level of a 12-digit HUC, these EOH basins were created in-house by BWS GIS staff (D. Lounsbury/J. Tuscanes) using the same source data and methodology as the WOH basins. Polygons representing differences between this 1m product and older 1:24K-derived basins were created and manually reviewed for correctness by NYSDEP BWS GIS and ERA Wetlands staff using high resolution aerial imagery, 2 ft contours, 1m DEM hillshade, GPS-ed culvert locations, GoogleMaps drive-by imagery, and BING Birds-eye imagery. In cases where office techniques could not easily determine correctness, field visits using sub-meter GPS data collection were performed by ERA Wetlands and GIS staff to make final determination. 1m Basin data were edited as needed by BWS GIS staff based on manual review.Because original vector data contained jagged edges as a by-products of the original raster gridded elevation data, a 10m x 10m smoothing filter was run on the exterior NYC watershed boundary and interior WOH basin boundaries, while a 5m x 5m smoothing filter was run on the smaller interior EOH basins. Each smoothed line was checked to ensure any elevation summits and ridgelines were still captured and that the line was true to the original catch basin delineation. Sections of basin edges were also snapped to reservoir spillway edges and top-of-dam lines in the \"NHDLine\" and Auxiliary \"breakline\" feature classes where appropriate.IAGT/RACNE methodology: A single vector line feature class was directly derived from the 1m DEM, then manually reviewed. Polygonal feature classes were then derived from the line feature class, with a topology requirement to achieve polygonal closure and no non-hydrologic polygons. Lines were produced by TauDEM flow analysis of Reference DEM (1 m, version 0). Segment review was performed using 0.5 m interval contours and 2012 Hydrographic and Topographic Breaklines as guidelines. Vector process boundaries are the raster boundaries above plus those corresponding to areas downstream of the reservoirs that drain the corresponding WBD 8-d HU. See \"2D Breakline Features and Hydrography Compilation Standard and Protocol\" for details on the hydrography used in the review.", "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon", "sourceSpatialReference": { "wkid": 102100, "latestWkid": 3857, "xyTolerance": 0.001, "zTolerance": 0.001, "mTolerance": 0.001, "falseX": -20037700, "falseY": -30241100, "xyUnits": 10000, "falseZ": -100000, "zUnits": 10000, "falseM": 0, "mUnits": 1 }, "copyrightText": "Original data (NYC outer-watershed boundary and 8-digit HUC basins) developed under NYCDEP contract CAT-393 by RACNE. EOH basins and QA edits developed in-house by NYCDEP BWS GIS. 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